Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kentucky Women

When I was a child our family had a beautiful woman named Josephine who took care of our home once a week.  She was like a member of our family and I sure hope she knew how much she meant to us. When a new pastor came to her church she paid him a visit. She said "Pastor, I need to fill you in on a few things about the women in this little Kentucky town." She continued, "We like our red meat, Bourbon, cigarettes and dancing on Saturday night." His eyes grew wide as she continued. "You won't be very welcome here if you try to change us....understand?" He slowly nodded his head in agreement. I know this because I attended her fabulous "celebration of life" otherwise known as her funeral. The pastor included this story in his tribute to her. I've known a lot of strong Kentucky women. I've known those who have worked harder than a man to earn a living, keep a home, raise children and grandchildren, take care of pets and do the millions of other things a woman has to do to keep up with her life. It doesn't help when the man in her life doesn't treat her with respect or lift a finger to help her. Kentucky women are hard workers and because of their tight schedules and exhaustion the last thing on their minds is usually fashion and glamour.  I began Kentucky Fashion on Facebook last November to help these fantastic women learn how to slip a little "me" time into their days.  I also try to pass on what I've learned over the years about dressing appropriately so they will feel more confident.  The media would have us believe that we need to buy and wear the latest in fashion and footwear whether it meets our needs or not.  A woman shouldn't have to be uncomfortable and self-conscious to look fashionable because it always shows on her face.  Be kind to yourself and find a little time each day to just be "you."

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