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Sunday, September 16, 2012
"Kentucky Fashion" is NOT and Oxymoron
The definition of oxymoron: [(ok-see- mawr -on)]
"A rhetorical device in which two seemingly contradictory words are used together for effect: “She is just a poor little rich girl.”" When I chose the name "Kentucky Fashion" for my Facebook, Twitter, Polyvore and Blog name it never occurred to me that someone might think it was an oxymoron. I thought it described what I was attempting to do....bring a little fashion and style advice to my Friends in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Nearly a year later I realize that not everyone believes there are fashionable women in Kentucky but that's their perception not mine. I have received a lot of favorable feedback from people who read my pages and view my Sets on Polyvore so I will continue with my rewarding "hobby."
As I have traveled around the country I have shopped in some very fine establishments. Quite often I am asked where I am from. No doubt my "Kentucky Twang" is revealed when I answer. Occasionally, I sense the sales person assumes I am a hick or a country bumpkin. I try to smile so she will see that I have all of my own teeth since that is often in question. Salespeople, who treat me with so little respect, will not enjoy the commission from a possible purchase. I am sure they are trained to weed out those who appear to be serious shoppers from those who are just curiousity seekers. I have studied the history of fashion, read many biographies of the most famous fashion designers, have a subscription to "Vogue" and "W" magazines and keep up with fashion trends on the Internet. I am always clean, well dressed with make up applied and my hair fixed when I go shopping. If I choose to visit a designer boutique it stems from a passion for the work of that designer, not just because I want to look at "bling." Below are some tips for people who would like to browse designer boutiques and retail shops that offer high end merchandise. Kentucky Women are not backward but we may be shy about entering an establishment only to be greeted by icy stares or someone who makes us feel as if we don't belong.
When I visit a designer boutique or high end shop I am always very careful when I handle the fine fabrics used to make the clothing and scarves. Instead of grabbing and pulling on a hanging garment I use the back of my hand in a vertical position to gently go in-between the garments. I move the hook of the hanger by sliding it to the right or the left. If I handle the fabric I start at the inside of the hem. Not only does this protect the fabric if my hands have oil on them from lotion but it also demonstrates to the sales staff that I respect the fine fabric and construction of every garment I touch. I was fascinated by the tiny chains that were interwoven in a "Chanel" tweed fabric used for a long jacket. I carefully brought the jacket closer to me so I could see it better. I ask the sales staff a lot of questions so they will know that I am serious and not there to waste their time. I would never try on a pair of designer shoes unless I was planning to purchase them. If you do be sure to ask for a "footie" or whatever they offer to cover your bare foot. Never stick your bare foot into an expensive designer shoe, it is very rude and disrespectful. I always ask the sales person to open and close handbags or pull scarves out of the display case to spread out on the counter. I put my hands behind my back to show respect for their products. I ask them to bring only one jewelry item out of the case at a time. Again, this shows respect and creates trust.
I think it is a good idea to take children and grandchildren into stores that sell high end goods. They need to learn how to behave when surrounded by items they don't normally see.
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