Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hard Working Kentucky Women

Maybe it's the outdoor lifestyle we enjoy in Kentucky that makes the way we dress seem too casual to people from other states. Kentucky women love to hunt, fish, camp outdoors and enjoy tailgating at college and high school football games. I know many women who own fire arms and are not afraid to use them. It's not unusual to hear a story about a teen age girl shooting a large Buck or reeling in a giant Catfish. We have sports programs in our public and private schools for young girls. They learn how to be fit, healthy and self-confident young women by the time they graduate. Kentucky women like to watch sports as much as the men do and they will quote you chapter and verse on their favorite teams and athletes. Kentucky women seldom shy away from hard work. Many do very physical jobs that have traditionally been held by men. It would be ridiculous for a woman driving a forklift or fixing electrical wires in a cherry picker to wear anything but protective footwear and clothing. We have women who work for UPS and build Ford trucks as well as serving in every branch of the Military. Some are deeply involved in the horse breeding, racing and farming industries. There is no reason for these women to dress up every day or to be aware of the latest "designer" apparel. We are still women though and most of us like to dress up for special occasions, like the Kentucky Derby in Louisville and Keeneland in Lexington. We also enjoy dressing up to show our support at charity events, the opera, and performances at the Center for the Arts. It is my sincere pleasure and honor to help Kentucky women discover their personal style and find good quality clothing that fits their body type. I want to help them increase their self-confidence not just when they have a special occasion but every day no matter where they go or what they do for a living.

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