Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Some Tips From My Dressing Room

To make your manicure last longer or if you just like your nails to have some shine I recommend "Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat." If your coat hangers leave bumps on the shoulders of your tops, keep a travel size spray bottle of water handy. I spritz the area and smooth the bumps out and the fabric is dry and flat before I leave the house. I also carry one in my luggage to spritz my hair and to get wrinkles out of my clothes. If I don't have time to do my hair before leaving the hotel room I just dampen it with water in the spray bottle and use a wide tooth hair pick to rearrange my hair where I've slept on it. My sewing basket has needles pre-threaded with at least 10 different colors. It's easy to make quick repairs and replace buttons. I don't like panty lines and I refuse to wear thong underwear at my age so the compromise is "Bali Skimp Skamp" panties in black and nude. They are soft and slick so clothing glides over them and they are very light weight so you can't tell you are wearing anything. They are especially comfortable if you are long waisted like I am because they stretch to fit. The lady at Von Maur told me that a new panty called a "shaping shortie" is flying off the racks. The tag reads: "maximizes comfort while giving you a hug around the middle."

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