E-mail: kentuckyfashion@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/kentuckyfashion https://www.pinterest.com/KentuckyFashion/ https://www.instagram.com/pamela_owen/
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Crossing Your Legs
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
September Facebook Posts
Buy your shoes first when shopping for a special event. Your foot comfort is very important if you have to do a lot of walking or standing. It's also important if you plan to dance the night away!
On page 56 in the October issues of "More" magazine there is an article entitled "Is Your Makeup Aging You?" by Holly Crawford. She starts with "What Ages You" then "What Turns Back Time" as the answer. There are three pages of good advice. "More" magazine is for women over 40 who want to keep up with their health and beauty as they age.
If you find a garment that fits but you don't like the fabric, you can use it as a pattern. Buy fabric that you like and take it to a seamstress or sew it yourself. I've talked to two women who have done that and they love their new creations.
Most people don't understand how celebrities manage to look so wonderful on the Red Carpet. They have "people" who take care of their appearance from head to toe. Hairdressers, manicurists, cosmetic surgeons, personal trainers, yoga instructors, dieticians, nutritionists, personal stylist with connections to high end designers, personal assistants, nannies...the list goes on. The average American woman doesn't have the resources or the ability to devote so much time and energy to looking their best. I can give you the contact info for people who can help you with a make over or a special event. E-mail me: kentuckyfashion@gmail.com
Job Interview Tips
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Plus Size Jeans Fit Guide
Everything you ever wanted to know about plus size jeans.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Be Thankful
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Keep a Hammer in Your Car!
I keep a hammer in the trunk of my car. If I see an elderly or disabled person, a child, an infant or an animal locked up in a car on a hot day, I won't wait for the police if the situation is critical.
White Shirt and Jeans
Friday, September 6, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
"Hot" or Not
I attend a lot of events. They range from sports to black tie. I'm always amused by women who truly believe they are the hottest, sexiest women in the room. I would be lying if I said I didn't wish for something to happen to humble them. Maybe trailing toilet paper stuck on their stiletto heel as they exit the Ladies room. Perhaps I would delight in watching them trying sit down in their short, tight dresses without flashing her dinner companions. I know I would have to stifle a giggle or two witnessing a gal who stomps across the room in platform heels because she didn't practice walking in them at home. Quite often I've been forced to divert my gaze as a woman in a low cut dress has bent over to chat with someone at my table. It's even worse when it is an older lady who has wrinkled and spotted skin on her décolleté. (Cover that sh_t up!).
I hesitate to go down the fashion road where motorcycle riders are concerned. For some reason motorcycle riding has given women permission to let it ALL hang out even if it's not pretty. Honestly, someone needs to snap a photo of the way some women look from behind while they're on the back of a bike! No....I'm not going to suggest a sign with "wide load" written on it. That's the male riders favorite thing to say as those women ride by.
I believe a lot of women are in deep denial regarding their physical appearance, their age and their style. Good taste has taken a back seat now that it's "anything goes....express yourself.....wear whatever you want .....be a Cougar!"
Buy a full length mirror and take a good look at your backside before you leave the house. Bend over and see what the rest of us are forced to look at. Be tasteful...not trashy. No one cares if you think you're Hot!
These 12 women are so beautiful because they have embraced their natural hair color instead of dying it to look younger. I hope we will see...
While there is no dress code for guests purchasing general admission tickets to Churchill Downs, management reserves the right to deny admi...