Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Revenge of the Handsome Women

In the March issue of "More" magazine there is a good article entitled "Revenge of the Handsome Women." Emily Listfield is the author and she makes many valid points about women and aging. In her interviews with very successful women over 50 one thing is clear, they keep things simple, they all use good quality products on their skin, wear less make up than in their younger years and several wear... their hair short, not just for convenience but for style. They get regular exercise, eat healthy foods and choose modest clothing. They are not trying to recapture their youth because there is no dignity in that. The women featured in the article were not prom queens or have hour glass figures. Now in their later years their strong jaws and straight figures are allowing them to age gracefully. They were beautifully photographed in black and white by Jean Francois Campos.

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