Saturday, April 6, 2019

Old Kentucky Bourbon Balls Recipe

Adapted from "The Book of Bourbon", p325
Or order the original Rebecca Ruth Bourbon Balls here:

1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 lb confectioners' sugar
3 Tablespoons bourbon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup finely ground pecans

Combined softened butter and confectioners' sugar until smooth.

Add the bourbon and vanilla and mix until incorporated.

Add the nuts and mix thoroughly.

Roll the candy into 1-inch balls. Set in refrigerator until firm, then transfer to a Ziploc freezer bag and place in the freezer for a few hours or overnight.

Chocolate Coating(for either center prepared above)

4 to 6 ounces semisweet chocolate
30 -50 whole pecan halves, for garnish

Place a toothpick in each bourbon ball, sticking the toothpick into the center.

Melt chocolate in a small bowl in the microwave or a double boiler. Mix and heat until smooth.

Working quickly, dip the bourbon ball centers into the chocolate one at a time. Tap the toothpick against the side of the bowl to shake off excess chocolate. Set the coated bourbon ball on waxed paper covering a baking sheet or pizza pan. With another toothpick push the bourbon ball gently from the toothpick and cover the spot where it was with a pecan half.

When all bourbon balls have been dipped allow them to rest until set. (To speed the process the pan of bourbon balls can be placed in the refrigerator.) When set, transfer the candies to a holiday tin or other storage container. 

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