Friday, November 27, 2015

The Best Insoles for Every Shoe Problem

Whether your favorite pair rubs, pinches, digs, slips, or just doesn’t offer any support—we’ve got a solution for you.

If your shoes rub your skin...
Try Foot Petals Pressure Pointz, $7. These small cushions come in black and nude, and can be placed anywhere in any shoe to help prevent blisters.
If your strappy sandals rub your skin...
Try Dr. Scholls Moleskin Plus, $7.  This self-adhesive roll of soft, slim padding is made to be cut to whatever size you need, and can be adhered directly to your skin or to the inside of your shoe (or the back of a pesky strap) to prevent blisters.

If your stilettos hurt the balls of your feet...

Try Zoomie’s Anti-Slip Gel Ball of Foot Cushions, $16.  High heels most commonly cause discomfort to the balls of your feet in two ways: Your weight is pushed forward to the front of your feet, creating more pressure, and the elevated heel causes your feet to slip forward with each step, causing irritation to your skin. These self-adhesive cushions pad the area to eliminate the feeling of pressure, and provide a non-slip surface that protects the delicate skin on your soles.

If your heels slip...
Try Dr. Scholl’s DreamWalk Heel Liners, $6. The culprit here is likely narrow feet. The sad truth is that not all shoes come in narrow widths, but heel liners are an easy fix. This particular pair is made of a thicker-than-average gel construction that keeps heels snugly in place without feeling bulky.
If high-heels are generally uncomfortable...
Try Vivian Lou Insolia Insoles, $20. Designed by a podiatrist, these very low-profile, self-adhesive inserts shift your weight distribution from just the front of your foot to a more normal diffusion (about one-third of your weight is moved back to your heel), resulting in less pain, better posture and stability, and, longer wearability.

If your flats don’t provide enough support...
Try Superfeet Insoles, $40. They’re on the pricier side, but these full-foot inserts essentially create an ergonomic and supportive shape that stabilizes your foot, making even the flattest of flats as comfortable as a running shoe.

If you need a custom insole...

Try Dr. Scholl’s Custom Fit Orthotic Inserts, prices vary. For those who just need a little more help, whatever the problem, head to a Dr. Scholl’s FootMapping Kiosk. Pressure sensors generate a unique map of your foot, which the company then uses to create a custom fit insole to properly provide the unique support you need.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Links to Kentucky Fashion Social Media Sites

Please Like me on Facebook and Follow me on Pinterest, Twitter and Polyvore.  I'll Follow you back!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Transitional Weather Closet Tips

If you live in Kentucky or Indiana you are probably pulling out your cold weather clothing and footwear for our cooler days and nights.  They all get mixed in with our warm weather clothing and sandals.  An easy way to transition your closet is to use a portable clothes rack with wheels.  I have an adjustable one that is convenient to keep in our bedroom.  I normally use it for assembling clothing to pack for trips but it's also useful for other times. 

A portable clothes rack can hold the clothing that is more transitional without overcrowding your closet.  It's better to fold sweaters than to hang them up so try to find a rack with a shelf at the top for those.  Put your boots, etc. under the rack as you add jackets, coats, jeans and long sleeved tops.  A rack is also handy when you are reorganizing your closet to hold clothing that you plan to keep. 

A lot of people like to donate old clothing to charity or take it to Goodwill.  Please buy clear garbage bags for these items and for storing items you plan to keep.  I've heard too many stories about people throwing out good clothing because they had stored them in black garbage bags.  Get out your colorful ribbon and tie bows on the bags of clothing you plan to keep.  You can always delegate certain colors of ribbon to mark donate bags and out of season clothing bags.  I prefer plastic bins for storing out of season clothing but if bags are your only option then be sure to mark them in some way.  To keep bugs out of your storage bags use two bags in opposite directions for a good "seal."

Some experts believe that if you haven't worn something in over a year that you should get rid of it.  I disagree.  Get rid of pieces that are too large or too small for you or clothing that is hopelessly out of date.  If you watch a movie from the 1990's and you see similar clothing in YOUR closet then it's time to take those pieces to a consignment shop that sells vintage clothing. Vintage is usually defined as a garment that is 25 years old or older. 

Keep your accessories since they seldom go out of style.  If a purse is badly worn then donate it.  I just read about taking old handbags and stuffing them with hygiene supplies and snacks for homeless women.  Not a bad idea! 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

"For My Daughter" Poem

“Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be.” – Clementine Paddleford
Never play the princess when you can
be the queen:
rule the kingdom, swing a scepter,
wear a crown of gold.
Don’t dance in glass slippers,
crystal carving up your toes --
be a barefoot Amazon instead,
for those shoes will surely shatter on your feet.
Never wear only pink
when you can strut in crimson red,
sweat in heather grey, and
shimmer in sky blue,
claim the golden sun upon your hair.
Colors are for everyone,
boys and girls, men and women
be a verdant garden, the landscape of Versailles,
not a pale primrose blindly pushed aside.
Chase green dragons and one-eyed zombies,
fierce and fiery toothy monsters,
not merely lazy butterflies,
sweet and slow on summer days.
For you can tame the most brutish beasts
with your wily wits and charm,
and lizard scales feel just as smooth
as gossamer insect wings.
Tramp muddy through the house in
a purple tutu and cowboy boots.
Have a tea party in your overalls.
Build a fort of birch branches,
a zoo of Legos, a rocketship of
Queen Anne chairs and coverlets,
first stop on the moon.
Dream of dinosaurs and baby dolls,
bold brontosaurus and bookish Belle,
not Barbie on the runway or
Disney damsels in distress --
you are much too strong to play
the simpering waif.
Don a baseball cap, dance with Daddy,
paint your toenails, climb a cottonwood.
Learn to speak with both your mind and heart.
For the ground beneath will hold you, dear --
know that you are free.
And never grow a wishbone, daughter,
where your backbone ought to be.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Over 50 Gray Hair

It's important to keep your gray, silver or salt and pepper hair in good condition if you wear it medium to long in length. Use hair care products that brighten gray hair so it shines like silver. Use a good conditioner to combat dryness. There are products that you apply after styling to further condition your hair. Try Chi Pliable Polish. Put a pea size amount on your fingertips, rub them together and apply to dry ends, especially around your face.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mothers Day Outfit

I wore my new butterfly print dress from Talbots:
I added my old black bolero from The Limited to cover my upper arms and give me the illusion of a smaller waist. Here is one that is similar and comes in several colors to match all of your summer dresses:
The dress has plenty of color so I chose my old, nude, Kate Spade, open toe, sling back heels.  The heels look like Tortoiseshell just like the bar on my new Diane von Furstenberg, cork clutch.    
The necklace is a recent gift from my husband as was the clutch so I was excited that I could wear them together to accessorize my dress.
My favorite perfume is Chanel's "Coco Mademoiselle."  It's much lighter than "Chanel No. 5" and is perfect for warm weather:
Please Like and Follow me on my other Kentucky Fashion by Pamela Owen social media sites:

Thursday, May 7, 2015

"Ready to Go"

When you receive an invitation to an event, written or otherwise, do you have to stop and think about what you have in your closet?  Do you have a feeling of dread because you know you don't have anything flattering to wear?  Do you look at your hair and realize you need to book an appointment with your hairdresser?  Maybe you feel that it's going to be too much work and expense to get ready to attend the event.  Sometimes it's easier just to send your regrets and quit worrying about it.  Don't miss out on fun events just because you're not "ready to go."  Keeping up with your appearance pays dividends down the road.  Visiting your hairdresser every 6 weeks and keeping up with manicures and pedicures (even if you do them yourself) will insure that you are ready to accept invitations, last minute or otherwise, so you don't miss out on an opportunity to mix with people and socialize.  If you don't have some basic clothing pieces in your closet you will always feel like you have nothing to wear.  If your weight tends to fluctuate then you will need to choose clothing that stretches a little.  Buy some basic black pieces like slacks, a jacket and a tank top.  Then you can add colorful accessories to dress it up.  Some basic black shoes or sandals complete the outfit.  Most women have jewelry that can add a bit of sparkle to the outfit but don't pile on too much.  A small, black handbag will also look nice instead of a huge, everyday handbag that may look a little rough around the edges.  If you're not comfortable wearing make up then don't.  Just keep your lips from becoming dry and flaky by using a lip balm or moisturizing lip gloss.  Choose a clear one unless you see a color you like.  Scarves can add color and pattern to an otherwise plain, black outfit.  If you're not comfortable trying to tie one around your neck then tie it to the handle of your handbag.  Now that you are "ready to go" you can accept those invitations or last minute phone calls to meet with friends for casual drinks or dinners. 

This picture of Sally Field shows how basic black can be dressed up or down.  Adding different materials adds texture and sometimes a bit of shine.  Simple jewelry and shoes finish the outfit.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum’s Best Off-the-Runway Advice
She’s successfully strutted from model to mogul. Here are 4 pieces of wisdom she learned on her way to the top.
Back in the 1990s the New York Post’s “Page Six” gossip column dubbed then 21-year-old Heidi Klum “The Body,” following her “scantily-clad debut” at a Victoria Secret show. Since then, the supermodel, who graces the cover ofSUCCESS magazine this month, has shown she’s got the brains to match that beautiful body and gorgeous face.
Klum dons new roles as gracefully as she changes designer garments. With great style, she’s transformed herself into a businesswoman, entrepreneur, fashion designer, TV personality andauthor. And along the way she’s acquired another body—of wisdom.
Culled from previously published interviews and Klum’s book, these are four of her best—our favorite—success principles:
1. “Hard work is key. Ability is key. A degree of luck is key. But desire is the ultimate motivator. It makes you work like crazy and not give up too fast or too easily.”
All the talent, hard work and luck in the world won’t matter unless you are motivated. Klum recalls the casting calls she endured as a recent arrival to New York. She had one thing going for her besides “a better than average face and body” she says: She wanted success—badly.          
Heidi Klum’s Body of Knowledge: 8 Rules of Model Behavior by Heidi Klum with Alexandra Postman
2. “For me the most important thing was always that you have something in mind that you want to do, that you enjoy doing, because a lot of people have a job, but they’re not happy. I think you have to think about what it is you really want to do in life and pursue that, and do it with fun; have a smile on your face, because then you’re happy.”
Both success and happiness depend on doing a job you enjoy. That means really thinking about what you want, not sitting back and just letting things happen.
—Quoted by Bethanne Patrick for AOL Books, 2006
3. “What does ‘selling it’ mean? I think it means playing at the person I want people to believe I am. Does that sound dishonest? I don’t think it is. In fact, it’s actually one of the hallmarks of successful people.”
Believing in yourself is important, but it’s also important to practice being the person you want others to see. That’s not being phony; it’s a strategy for success.
Heidi Klum’s Body of Knowledge: 8 Rules of Model Behavior by Heidi Klum with Alexandra Postman
4. “I jumped into the water with 45 sharks without a cage in the Bahamas for a Discovery Channel show. That was a really good experience. I’m not saying that everyone should swim with the sharks, but sometimes you have to jump over your own shadow in order to learn something that you will never forget for the rest of your life. Then you know you can conquer your fears.” 
Fear can hold you back; it can be an obstacle to action—and success. But confronting a fear, regardless of the specific circumstance, gives you powerful proof that you can overcome others.
—Quoted in Parade magazine, July 2008

Monday, March 30, 2015

"Meet Me at the Mall" April Event

I enjoy this event very much. Owen Funeral Homes' in Louisville, Ky. has a very active Aftercare program for the bereaved.  This year we will meet at 10:30 a.m. at the St. Matthews Mall – Christopher and Banks Store by Women’s Dillard’s. I will help women from our support groups choose flattering and comfortable warm weather clothing.
To Register Contact: Genene Nisbet, 502-447-7759 or
We will head over to the food court for lunch afterward.  This will be a great time to get out of the house and visit.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Over 50 Bloggers

I've grown weary of all the well meaning advice for women over 50, myself included. I think we bloggers have put undo stress on women who are burdened already by being sandwiched in between children, partners and aging parents. If she hasn't retired yet then there is even MORE pressure. There aren't enough hours in the day to take care of obligations and still get enough sleep. It's no wonder that weight goes up as deep fatigue becomes a way of life. It's the beginning of elastic waist pants and tops that billow over her expanding abdomen. There is no longer a trace of her waist and her thighs now rub together. She's in desperate need of a new bra but has no time to go to the mall for a proper fitting. So she logs on to the internet every night before bed to see if anyone is posting information that will help her navigate her life and lose 20 pounds before her next special event. The advice she usually finds is great for women who are in their 50's and want to be "cool." At 60+ the drive to be "cool" and youthful looking isn't as strong. The drive may be to be financially secure in her advancing years. She may now be widowed and creating a whole new way of life...not what she expected to do in her 50's. She may have finished raising her children and can devote her time to helping her grandchildren. You don't need to be hip or cool to do any of the above. It's OK to look like a Granny if you are one. It's OK to look like you're mourning if you are bereaved. It's OK to wear whatever is comfortable, especially if you have health problems that affect your mobility. Ignore those women's blogs, TV shows and magazines if they make you feel "less than." What's more important after 60 is your happiness and your ability to get out of bed every day looking forward to what life has to offer.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Gray Hair Models

These 12 women are so beautiful because they have embraced their natural hair color instead of dying it to look younger. I hope we will see more models like these fabulous Ladies in fashion magazines and in catalogs.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Basic Make Up Mistakes Women Make After 50 by Vikki Claflin

A perfect time for a makeup overhaul is around age 50. After that fabulous birthday bash is over, the bleary-eyed guests have all gone home, and the what-was-I-thinking hangover is blessedly behind us, it’s time to look in the mirror and accept that we are no longer able to pull off this year’s trendy blue eyeshadow or our favorite deep-red lipstick that we’ve worn since we were 30.
Department stores are a great place to test new products and colors, but women are often put off by the aggressive upselling from heavily made-up, commissioned, teenage sales girls. And it can be awkward having your makeup redone by Goth Girl in the middle of the cosmetic department during lunch hour traffic.
So, after three decades in the industry, I thought I’d share a few tips for anyone who might be confused about what works and what doesn’t after 50. We’ll start with what doesn’t. And you don’t even have to get dressed up or leave your house. Slip on your bunny slippers and your comfiest p.j.s, and grab a latte. Here you go.
1. Heavy foundation. Foundation should never be used as Spackle. It’s purpose is simply to smooth the skin tone, not fill in crevices or conceal menopausal acne. If you can’t find one that goes on like a second skin, you need a new skin care routine, not a new foundation.
2. Foundation in the wrong color. I see this one a lot. Women who want to look more tanned get a darker color that doesn’t match the rest of their body, so their face always looks dirty. Too orange, and you look like an oompa-loompa. Too much pink looks chalky. This is where you’ll want to spend a little money and get professional advice. Unfortunately, you won’t find this in stores that end in the word “Mart.”
3. Skipping the blusher. As we age (don’t we hate that expression?), the “bloom of youth” wears off, and we look washed out, less vibrant. Pale skin, lacking any visible blush of color, can make you look cadaver-ish,  lacking a healthy pulse or discernible blood flow.
4. Too much concealer. Packing on the concealing stick underneath your eyes, trying to hide puffiness or dark circles, draws attention to this area by settling into expression lines around your eyes like bathtub caulking.
5.  Dark lipstick. In your 20s and 30s, dark lipstick can look chic and sophisticated. After 50, it tends to look bitchy. It also picks up yellow in your teeth, so unless they’re piano-keys white, don’t even think about it.
6. Eyeliner around the entire eye. This look is hard to pull off after 30. It’s too Biker Chick (and men hate it, btw). By 50, if you have expression lines or eyelid sagging, this will make you look like Jax’s mother on Sons of Anarchy. Leave the “smoky eyes” to your daughter.
7. Too much bronzer. Simply put, your face should not look like it just spent two weeks in Hawaii without the rest of you.
8. Obvious lip liner. This is the visible panty line (VPL) of the face. Fading lip lines can make the lips look thinner, less “lush” (hence the unfortunate Hollywood stampede of the lip injections). Lip pencils are meant to gently define and fill out the lip lines, not outline them in a way that suggests people might not otherwise know where your mouth is.
9. Nude or no lip color. This is a big one. We lose pigment in our lips as we age, making us look pale or tired (read: older). Whether it’s a peachy-pink Chanel lipstick or a sheer raspberry Chapstick, some color to our lips says that our blood is pumping and we’re ready to leap tall buildings. That’s a lot from bang for a tiny little tube of colored wax.
10. Too much powder. Women who routinely “powdered their nose” during the day in their younger years often still do that when they’re in their 50s. It’s time to stop doing that. Repeated applications of powder on skin that is thinner and drier can result in a dehydrated looking, talc-layered face, with powder settled in every line and wrinkle. Remember Great-Grandma Bertha and her delicate, powdery skin? Yeah, we don’t want that.
11. Too much shimmer. A little fairy dust on young girls or glitter on the tweeners is pretty and sparkly and young. Shimmer says “Look at me!” After 50, on our faces, it says “Look at me, with sparkles in my lines! Can you see them now??” In our hair, it says “Look at me, I’m thinning!” Above our boobs, it yells out “Hey, check it out, I’m way down here now!”
So the next time you go to Macy’s or Nordstrom, find a saleswoman who’s wearing makeup you like and ask her to do yours. It can be fun. And you don’t have to buy a thing if you don’t want to.
But a new lipstick can solve a lot of life’s problems.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Well Pressed Clothing

My mother-in-law bought a condominium in Southwest Florida in 1987.  My husband and I used to visit her during the winter months or "The Season."  We would always pack nice clothes to wear to dinner in most of the restaurants in Naples and the surrounding areas.  There were some restaurants that required men to wear a coat AND tie!  My mother-in-law would iron her best warm weather outfits and put on lots of jewelry so she would look "presentable" at dinner.  I would iron our clothes almost as soon as we arrived. EVERYONE who wanted to show that they were well off would dress in their very best "Resort Wear" for that year and stroll around downtown where all of the high end stores and restaurants provided a "promenade" for the wealthy.

Now it's 2015 and things have changed as the "Greatest Generation" as passed on or living in assisted care facilities.  Their children (my age) and grandchildren have taken over the condos and homes of their parents and grandparents.  The Baby Boomers are a more casual group.  We don't want to bother dressing up while "Wintering" or vacationing in Florida.  Most of the nice restaurants have tables and chairs outside for Alfresco dining.  You never see a man in a coat and tie in these places.  The women wear capri pants and pullover tops, something our parents' generation would feel inappropriate to wear to dinner.  I also see pretty sundresses and usually wish I had shopped for a few for myself.  The casual wear of decades ago has now been upgraded and manufactured by many of the brand name design houses.

One of the things that separates the well off from the casual tourist is sending their Burmuda shorts and golf shirts to the dry cleaners.  I like the look of well pressed clothing, especially when the clothing is casual.  Ironing clothes makes them look more expensive. Unfortunately ironing is not being taught to the young.  That's really a shame because knowing how to iron your clothes is important, especially if a young person is going for a job interview.

A typical iron has several settings according to the kind of fabric being ironed.  Look on the clothing tag that is usually sewn into the side seam to find out what kind of fabric or blend of fabrics has been used.  Look at the iron controls and choose the number that corresponds with the type of fabric.  I like to put clean water in a spray bottle and lightly mist the garment before I iron it.  I've had bad luck (scorching and rust stains) from using the steam option on irons so I just spritz before ironing.  YouTube has many ironing videos to choose from if you have never seen anyone ironing before.  Invest in a good ironing board too.  It's very hard to iron on a counter or table plus you will probably burn the surface.  Ironing boards with padded covers are the best option.  Irons and ironing boards are available in discount and big box stores as well as re-sale shops.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Funeral Director January, 2015

This is what I wore to a large, church funeral. It's a dress and matching jacket from St. John Knits that was a Christmas gift from my husband a few years ago.  He purchased it from Rodes in Louisvillle. The jacket has functional pockets large enough to hold a smart phone.  It has contrasting, black trim which adds interest to the ensemble.  I like the zip front because it gives the ensemble a more modern look.  I had the jacket altered to fit, especially the sleeve length which was a bit too long for me.  I could easily dress this up with a large, sparkling statement necklace and wear black, patterned hose and black high heels.  I can also tone it down by pinning my Chanel, white Camellia, floral brooch to the jacket and adding small pearl or diamond stud earrings.

This is the simple sheath style dress that goes with the jacket. I had it altered to fit and hemmed to just cover my knees.

My necklace is a reproduction of Jackie Kennedy Onassis' triple strand pearls that she is seen wearing in so many photographs.  It is believed that her necklace was a gift from her mother and the pearls were costume not genuine.  You can still buy reproductions at  They have a page of "Jackie Kennedy" reproduction jewelry.  The triple stand, faux pearl necklace is #45421 and is $165.00.  

These are the accessories I wore with my black suit and pearl necklace: Stuart Weiztman nude, patent leather kitten heel pumps, nude hose, old black, leather clutch with chain strap, a triple stand, faux pearl elastic bracelet from Hallmark and old, large, faux pearl stud earrings from a store in the mall.  My Grandmother Ruby taught me to put on and take off my hosiery wearing white, nylon gloves.  She said it protects your hosiery from pulls and runs caused by jewelry and rough hands.  I bought mine in a bridal shop.

These Stuart Weitzman "Poco" kitten heel pumps in "Adobe Aniline" still be available through  They are also available in navy "Goosebump" leather and black patent leather.  I bought mine several years ago at VonMaur in Louisville. If you are looking for a kitten heel pump for a wedding or special event, this same pump comes in other pretty finishes and textures.

These small, "Etra"clutch handbags are old enough to be considered Vintage.  I collected them from two department stores in Louisville that are no longer in business.   Look for a leather tag inside that says "Etra Genuine Leather" or find the same words stamped in gold letters on the lining of the bag.

In the past, most well made, sleeveless dresses had these ribbon snaps sewn into shoulders.  They are meant to hold bra straps in place.  I hate the look of bras straps showing these days.  I think it looks very trashy.  If your outfit doesn't have these little ribbon snaps in them then purchase a bra with the right kind of straps or go strapless.  Always have your bras fitted by an expert in the lingerie department.  I wore a black bra with my black dress but used a nude bra strap in this photo for the sake of illustration.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Winter Outfit for January, 2015

This outfit started with a new black, cable knit turtleneck, a new black "puffer" style vest and new Leopard print, jewel neck coat all from I wore an old, multi-strand black leather and brass necklace from

Puffer style vest. 

Cable knit turtleneck sweater and necklace. 

To finish the outfit, I wore old, dark rinse, straight leg jeans from  
and old black, leather booties from "Artisan" line. To break up all of the black and accentuate my brass necklace, I chose a gold, metallic handbag that has no brand tag inside. I wore medium size gold, hoop earrings. I like hoop earrings because I usually wear eye glasses.

I can also dress up this outfit by adding my new pearl, cluster necklace and matching pearl earrings from 

By switching to my old, black, high waisted slacks from, I can easily go out for the evening or to a special event with just a change in jewelry and pants.   

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Coco Chanel and Her LBD

"In 1925, Coco Chanel introduced the now legendary Chanel suit with collarless jacket and well-fitted skirt. Her designs were revolutionary for the time—borrowing elements of men’s wear and emphasizing comfort over the constraints of then-popular fashions. She helped women say good-bye to the days of corsets and other confining garments."
Another 1920s revolutionary design was Chanel’s little black dress. She took a color once associated with mourning and showed just how chic it could be for evening wear." 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year's Resolutions...Lose Weight/Get Fit

A typical New Year's resolution is to lose weight and become more "fit." I'm sure the fitness centers are signing up a lot of new people right now. Unfortunately "life gets in the way" and even though people have good intentions they can't always find time to go to the gym. Other people try calorie restricting diets but give up as soon as they get that first craving for high calorie foods. Str...ess is a big factor in a person's weight. It can interfere with a person's commitment to losing weight. Caregiving is stressful, especially if you are obligated to take care of an older parent or grandchildren. I went to Weight Watchers in 1975 and lost the weight I gained from having my daughter. The one thing I learned was portion control. I am always a little shocked when I see how much food people put on their plates or the amount of food people order in restaurants. A friend of mine has a habit of asking for a "To Go Box" as soon as her meal is placed in front of her. She immediately divides the food in half. When the waiter brings the box she puts half of her meal in it. She tells her dining companions that she will eat it for dinner that night or for lunch the next day. I think that's a great way to painlessly reduce calories in your diet. If you eat when you're upset then you may want to get a notebook and write down your feelings. You may not feel like eating so much after you have looked at the reasons why you are craving food or alcohol. Alcohol is nothing but empty calories. If you are over 50 your metabolism is slower and you should limit yourself to one serving of alcohol per day. One of the easiest ways for a woman over 50 to lose her dignity is by drinking too much alcohol. People start referring to these women as "drunks." There is nothing classy or elegant about being drunk at home or in public. Be good to yourself this year. Love yourself enough to take care of your body, mind and spirit.

First Lady Melania Trump