Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Slow Dance

A good slow dance can feel like everything is right with the world.  When held in the arms of someone you love and who loves you, there are no words to describe the feelings. I witnessed an elderly couple having a great time dancing to live music in a restaurant recently. They were a stylish older couple, probably in their 80's.  The gentleman wore a pale yellow linen jacket with a blue and white checked shirt and pocket square to match.  He had on black trousers and brown loafers decorated with a "horse bit." His lady wore a floral jacket that included the colors of his attire and white cropped pants.  She had a small Rolex watch on one wrist and lots of gold bracelets on the was still sporting it's price tag.  When they got up to dance I noticed she was wearing a glittering tiara like the other ladies in their group.  They were obviously celebrating a special occasion.  Everyone at their table wore very nice, perfectly coordinated clothing.  The couple that had attracted my attention were keeping up with the dance music and seemed energized rather than fatigued by it.  When the entertainer began to sing "Lady in Red" their demeanor changed.  The gentleman pulled his little lady closer to him.  Her crooked body began to straighten so they could be "body to body."  He gazed deeply into her eyes.  As he led her into a turn on the dance floor I caught my first glimpse of her eyes.  I have seldom seen such contentment and love.  They were in their own world full of their special memories of decades of dances together.  My husband and I were sitting very close to them....maybe too close and I began to pick up on their deep feelings.  Each time he swung her around I could see her loving eyes and had to look away because I was becoming so emotional.  The song was about to end so he drew her closer.  She responded and was nearly dancing on her tip toes by then.  I was overwhelmed by their feelings for each other.  The song ended and as the gentleman let go of his lady she wiped tears from her eyes.  As they passed by our table she glanced at me and I smiled. They will never know how much I appreciated being a part of their special slow dance.

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