Friday, January 10, 2020

Cleaning Closets 2020

I like to clean out my closets in January. I never get rid of anything that I love even if it doesn't fit just right. I still own jackets from the 1980's and 90's, some I can still wear. In the past I would try to clean out the four closets in my dressing room in one day. I don't have that kind of time anymore so I've been doing it a little at a time. This has given me time to ponder what I'm going to keep and how I want to store it. I will share pictures as I go along for my readers who are cleaning closets too. Now that I"m in my 60's I'm more interested in a wardrobe that is coordinated overall. The clothing I bought last year all goes together on purpose. I usually buy in multiples when I find something that I like. This time around those multiples need to match other items so they won't be left in the closet unworn. If you have any storage tips please share them here.
(Illustration from Pinterest)

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