Thursday, November 7, 2019

The French "No-Diet" by Marie-Ann Lecoeur

The French "no-diet' diet is three simple ways that work to lose weight.
1- The food shouldn’t be ‘piled on’: only 1 layer please!
2-There should be some space left on your place without anything.
3- Leave something on your plate.
I have been teaching this French way to eat to many women who not only lost weight but kept it off and are now loving this French way to eat. They are excited with every bite, every meal, their new slimmer body and their new-found confidence. They have a new relationship with food, one that makes them happy and certainly no longer guilty.
What is this technique?
Have a good look at the size of your plate: a great way to decrease your portion size is by serving it on a small plate.
In France, our plates are smaller.
What is the benefit of eating from smaller plates?
Our portions are smaller.
What is the benefit of smaller portions?
We don’t eat as much.
What is the benefit of not eating as much?
You guessed it! We either keep to our weight or we lose extra weight.
Simple I know but it works!
Please do implement this at your next meal: pick up a smaller plate (a dessert plate for instance) and see the difference in the size of your portion it will make. This will also make a difference to the size of your body if you continue applying this great tip, alongside the other three I gave you yesterday.
Here are some comments and questions I hear regularly:
- But what if we don’t have French people’s good genes? ;0)
These four tips I gave you will work no matter your genes. Decreasing the amount of food you eat does make you lose weight or stop extra weight from creeping up.
- I have hit the menopause and noticed the pounds creeping up and nothing works!
French women also get to that stage and many of us manage to keep to our weight and lose extra weight. This is of course possible for you too!
- I have no access to French food. How can I eat like the French with the food available in my country?
The beauty of this French no-diet diet is that you can get great results no matter where you live. Great news, right?
Marie-Anne Lecoeur

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