Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I have strong opinions about weddings. They were so strong I joined a professional group for wedding consultants and trained with a local consultant several years ago. What I took away from my experience is simple: brides and their families spend too much money on the party and don't think about the marriage. It's easy for a young woman to fill her head with fantasy images of her wedding day (Pi...nterest makes it even easier) but the reality of the day is the actual marriage. THAT should be the first thought not the last. Pre-marital counseling is essential. It also bothers me when $00,000.00 is spent on a big wedding and then the bride and groom go home to a rented house or apartment. I created "The Vintage Bride" Pinterest board to show how simple and pretty weddings can be. An old fashioned wedding is full of love, happiness, promise and joy. A 2013 wedding appears to be nothing more than an expensive party in an attempt to outdo someone else's wedding. I think modern day weddings can actually be quite vulgar. Between revealing bridal and bridesmaids gowns to Bachelorette parties that are too trashy to describe. Marriage is a sacred act and promise between two people to love and care for each other for the rest of their lives. I prefer weddings in churches because it makes everyone settle down and be more respectful. Marriages should never be thought of as "throwaway" situations if the bride or groom decide it's not worth the hassle. Weddings shouldn't be treated like a big party with an expensive white dress. It's the blending of two families. I tell brides to imagine their mother being married to her groom's father. THAT is always an eye-opener! It really changes one's perspective to look at marriage through that lens. I dislike hearing a bride say "It's MY day so everyone needs to give me my way!" No, Sweetie, it's God's day so try to be reverent and respectful for all the people who are involved.

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