Sunday, November 5, 2023

Happy 12th Anniversary Kentucky Fashion by Pamela Owen!

Kentucky Fashion by Pamela Owen on Facebook is 12 years old today. It's been a fun fashion hobby and I never thought it would last this long. It's so gratifying to run into people in Louisville who follow me and play my Style Challenges. I appreciate the many compliments over the years and hope to continue for many years to come. 

I still have my Kentucky Fashion Pinterest and Instagram accounts. The links are below.

The first picture of me was taken in 2015 by my daughter Rachel Hood Barr, owner of RHB Photography. The business card is what I've used for my Cover picture for several years. The third picture was made by our friends at MKJ Marketing shortly after I launched this page. The last picture was taken last month at the The Monarchs Louisville Halloween dance. My husband David has been a vocalist with the band for 14 years. Our friend Bill Woods snapped this picture while we were enjoying a rare slow dance. We have been married for 45 years.❤️ He is always so pleased when one of his friends mentions Kentucky Fashion to him.😁

Thank you again Lovely Readers for supporting me on Facebook since November 5, 2011 when I sat at my computer with my finger hovering over the keyboard waiting for the "courage to launch" the page. I have never regretted it.💝


First Lady Melania Trump