Sunday, March 24, 2019

Vintage Dressmaker Details

I chose these Vintage outfits from Pinterest to show how women's clothing used to be designed. I love the covered buttons and little details that show how much care and creativity went into each design.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Fashion Influencers

If you were wondering what has been happening in the fashion industry because you can't find clothing you like anymore this is why:
"An influencer is someone with a large social following who has the power to inspire and, in turn, influence others. This includes style icons, celebrities, athletes and public figures to name a few. Each has the potential to generate brand awareness for most any business they choose. Influencer marketing is the practice of leveraging these individuals to bring in more business and reach more people. This is done by taking advantage of their vast networks of followers, fans, and connections. One endorsement is all any company needs to grow."
By Brandon Meawasige

Picture courtesy of  Pinterest

First Lady Melania Trump