Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hat Etiquette

SOCIAL STUDIES The 'Whens' And 'Wheres' of Wearing A Hat
Since Meghan Markle has recently been credited with reviving the panama hat, amongst many other things that we didn't know we should like until the Duchess gave it her stamp of approval, the question now isn't 'why wear a hat?' but when and where?
Hats aren't as popular as they once were although I have a feeling that the tides might be turning on the style front with the newest royal as a potential ambassador.
Just as important as finding the perfect hat for your noggin is knowing when a hat should or shouldn't be worn and of course, when to remove it.
Removing a hat in certain instances is a gesture of respect. Men were expected to take off their hats in places of worship, when greeting their boss, when they entered someone’s home and always in the presence of a lady, regardless of the place or circumstances.
On the other hand, ladies and their millinery had carte blanche when it came to the rules, they could wear them whenever and wherever they liked and were not required to take them off at all.
Times have changed in many aspects of society and the stately hat has not been spared the after effects of a more casual social order. The late '60s ushered in a turnabout fashion evolution and the hat was one of its noble victims (can you tell I really dig hats?! ) The younger generation stopped wearing them and along with the hat went the knowledge of its situational appropriateness.
Since I am not one to leave you in the lurk especially when it comes to something as delightful as the hat, here’s when it’s proper to wear your hat and when it’s not:
Hats should be left on...
in office lobbies and elevators,
on the bus, train, subway, or in your Uber,
in the outdoors,
in public buildings like banks, airports and hotels,
at indoor and outdoor athletic events.
Hats should not be worn...
in someone's home,
in restaurants and coffee shops,
at a movie theatre, the opera or any performance held indoors,
in churches or places of worship unless it is required that you cover your head,
at mealtimes or while sitting at the table,
while being introduced to someone,
at work if your job is in an office,
in schools and library,
at a courthouse, town hall or government building,
And most importantly when your country's national anthem is played.
(it's an absolutely charming touch to remove it when any country's national anthem is played but I leave that up to you)
While gender inequality usually works against us, this is one area (albeit a small one) where the ladies rein supreme!
Hats can be worn…
Any old time and any old place!
Hats can be removed...
anytime it blocks someone’s view, such as at a wedding or in a theater
and indoors at work unless it's part of a uniform.

First Lady Melania Trump