Friday, May 5, 2017

Permitted & Banned Items on Kentucky Derby Day

Food items in clear plastic bags (maximum size 18” X 18” - no trash bags)*"Box" lunches in clear plastic bags or containers (maximum size 18" X 18" - no trash bags)
Water and soft drinks – plastic bottles only (sealed, clear and unopened)
Purses, but none larger than 12” in any dimension (subject to search)
Baby/diaper bags – only if accompanied by a child (subject to search)
Small cameras – none equipped with detachable lenses or lenses of 6” or more **BinocularsSunscreen (non-glass containers only)
Small personal music systems, radios and televisions** (No boom boxes)
Cellular phones, smartphones and tablets
**Seat cushions smaller than 15"X15" that do not contain metal arms and/or backs, zippers, pockets or flapsStrollers (ONLY if carrying a child)
Chairs (Gate 3 ONLY)
Blankets & tarpaulins (Gates 1 & 3 ONLY)
* Limit of two bags per person
** Patrons could be required to turn on electronic items
Banned Items on Kentucky Derby Day
Coolers (Styrofoam coolers, ice available at infield purchase points)
Cans (any size or type), glass bottles or containers
Pop-Up or Patron Tents– no poles or stakes of any kind
Laptop Computers and Camcorders
Cameras with detachable lenses, or equipped with a lens that is 6” or larger
Selfie Sticks
Purses larger than 12" in any dimension
Alcoholic beverages
Illegal Substances
Luggage (includes briefcases)
Duffel bags
Weapons (including knives)
Fireworks, noisemakers, air horns, laser lights/pointers, mace or pepper sprays
Drones and remote controlled aircraft
Animals (with the exception of service animals for guests with disabilities)
Any items deemed dangerous and/or inappropriate
© 2017 Churchill Downs Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Kentucky Derby
700 Central Ave, Louisville, KY, 40208
Phone: 502.636.4400

First Lady Melania Trump